Can you Get credibility with an Aged Corporation

As soon as you buy a shelf company, it has instant filing history. But the question is, does the shelf corporation provide you immediate credibility for your corporate image and your company? That will not necessarily turn out. Possibly, you may not be immediately able to bid on government projects. Incidentally, there are minimum longevity laws for shelfcorporations with bank accounts on government contracts. It’s not guaranteed that you’ll get loans from banks or Small Business Administration or lines of credit. It’s also not necessary that you can quickly grab the attention of your potential lenders with an aged company. The most important thing to consider is to inform other people that you got to the old company lately. 

As we already said, you need to make sure that the company you are thinking of buying does not have any lingering or inherent liabilities. Well, you can get assured of this by exploring the corporation’s trade history. 

Purpose of buying Shelf Company 

1. You want to get creditability from your newly acquired aged company. An old corporation has more creditability compared to a newly established company.
2. You would require a company that has a very old integration date than the present. 
3. You will need a corporation today and can’t wait for one to be established in the general time.

What about the legalities of Shelf Corporation?

Shelf aged companies are legal. These companies often used to hold business as well as personal assets. Shelf corporations with bank accounts are mainly created as a significant business package that can be given to an individual who requires opening and running a company. No one wants to go through the time-consuming procedure of forming a brand new company. 
Shelf companies are sold to people who are not eligible enough to get state contracts, line of credit, or bank loan. It is because their company doesn’t have enough established business history or needed credit score. If an individual buys a shelf company, he/she becomes an owner of a renowned firm that has been running for 3 to 5 years with no liabilities or debts.


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