Can Shelf Corporations Increase My Chances Of Accessing Corporate Credit?



Access to adequate funding on fair terms can help sustain and grow your business big time. Entities need to consolidate funds for growth and expansion, especially during infancy, to avoid succumbing along the way. It is prevalent for loan applications to get declined on various grounds. The worst rejection comes when your application is turned down because the business is new and poses a high financial risk to the lender. New companies are often victims of rejections since lenders perceive them as high-risk. They haven’t yet established their ground and are often one blunder away from going under. 


Shelf Corporations can make your business appear credible


Sadly, it is during its infancy that a business needs capital to whether turbulent days in the market. If age is the only thing standing between you and the funding then ShelfGiantCorporations might have a solution. They’ll sell you an aged corporation, a duly registered company that had been sitting on the shelf to season. A shelf corporation gives an illusion of longevity, an aspect attributed to credibility. In the spirit of protecting their interests, lenders feel more confident loaning a company with an established corporate history than a new corporation with no experience in the market. 

One thing a bank looks into while reviewing your loan application is your company’s capacity to repay the advance. Your company’s credit score paints a clear image of your payment history, highlighting your likelihood to make payments on time. Naturally, a shelf corporation comes with a clean trading history –no trades during the seasoning period. It is not always that you get to swing your shelf corporation's age and walk home with money. True, your shelf corporation's age might catch some attention, but it does not always guarantee getting funded.  


An Impressive Paydex Score


However, ShelfGiantCorporations, via their 80 Paydex Program can improve your chances of getting funded. The program helps your business achieve the desired paydex score of 80or more in 45 to 60 days, which would normally take up to two years. Although lenders in their due diligence look past your company’s age and credit score, it is no secret that they increase your company’s chances of getting funded. 


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