Do Shelf Corporations Guarantee My Business Instant Funding?


Shift in Motivation


Initially, the shelf corporations concept was meant to save busy individuals the time and effort it takes to fully incorporate a company. Before the internet, one would wait for months and pay hefty fees to have their businesses incorporated. Today it takes considerably less time to register a business, thanks to the digitization of most of the process. Despite the effort to make it less tedious to incorporate a company, it is still business as usual for aged corporations’ vendors like continues to receive as many clients as before, perhaps more. 


Turns out the motivation for purchasing a seasoned aged corporation shifted from just saving people time. Now entrepreneurs are intrigued by the possibility of inheriting valuable time-in-business immediately, an aspect associated with tons of financial privileges in the business cycles. The business community discovered that lenders and other creditors have a soft spot for older companies. Longevity paints a company as credible, thus attracting all the right associates, among them lenders. 


Lenders are only interested in one thing; your company’s capacity to pay the loan. One of the many parameters they look into while reviewing your funding proposal is time-in-business. Lenders would like to know if your business is perfectly established and that you will be there when they come to collect their money. Of course, there are other considerations, but this shows why older companies receive less scrutiny during the loan application review. Another thing that is taken very seriously is your history of the debt payment. Lenders don’t like experimenting because that poses the risk of losing everything if they are wrong in their review about your business. To establish your likelihood to repay the loan, they go through your credit history.


Increased Odds of Getting Funded


Shelf corporations try to meet these parameters to increase your chances of getting funded. By purchasing a 5-year-old shelf corporation, you jump the hurdle of age, which means you are no longer tagged as “high-risk.” Some dealers throw in a credit-building program to give your new business an ideal corporate credit to be considered for funding. All these attributes increase your chances of getting funded, but they do not guarantee funding. Lenders consider several parameters before approving a funding proposal. Shelf Corporations only raise your odds of getting funded. It is way better than going in with a newly registered company. 


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