
Can I Buy A Shelf Corporation With Existing Line Of Credit, Tax Returns, or Financials?

  By definition, a shelf corporation is a duly registered company that is kept inactive "on the shelf" to age to be sold later to an individual or a group of people. “Naturally,” shelf corps do not have any assets or liabilities given that they do not engage in business activities during the aging period. Therefore, it is impractical that a shelf corporation would come with an existing line of credit, tax returns, and declared financials.    Regardless, you will still come across shady vendors online advertising aged corporations that come with cash lines of credit, tax returns, and financials. Such aged corporations come in hefty price tags and promises of instant guaranteed funding. First, we need to establish that there is no way a shelf company can magically come with these valuable credentials after several inactivity years. Second, not even the oldest aged corporation on the shelf can guarantee your business instant funding. Aged corporations can

Aged Shelf Corporation: How Old is Old Enough?

  Depends on What You are Looking For A Shelf Corporation’s value is in its age. But how old is old enough? When shopping for a perfectly seasoned age corporation, what is the ideal age to choose? There is no specific answer to this question since the answer purely depends on what you are looking for as an individual. A fact is that a company qualifies as an aged corporation when it has spent significant time on the shelf. The aging process is what differentiates newly registered companies from an aged shelf corporation . It could be a couple of weeks, months, or years. The motivation behind purchasing an aged company informs the age of the shelf corporation one should buy. Here is an illustration; say, in the past 12 years, you have strived to create the best doughnuts business in your area. The entity has done great over the years, and you decided to franchise it, but you don’t have the money for that scale of expansion. So you opt to incorporate the business to be able to apply for

Do Shelf Corporations Guarantee My Business Instant Funding?

  Shift in Motivation   Initially, the shelf corporations concept was meant to save busy individuals the time and effort it takes to fully incorporate a company. Before the internet, one would wait for months and pay hefty fees to have their businesses incorporated. Today it takes considerably less time to register a business, thanks to the digitization of most of the process. Despite the effort to make it less tedious to incorporate a company, it is still business as usual for aged corporations’ vendors like continues to receive as many clients as before, perhaps more.    Turns out the motivation for purchasing a seasoned aged corporation shifted from just saving people time. Now entrepreneurs are intrigued by the possibility of inheriting valuable time-in-business immediately, an aspect associated with tons of financial privileges in the business cycles. The business community discovered that lenders and other creditors have a soft spot f

Can Shelf Corporations Increase My Chances Of Accessing Corporate Credit?

    Access to adequate funding on fair terms can help sustain and grow your business big time. Entities need to consolidate funds for growth and expansion, especially during infancy, to avoid succumbing along the way. It is prevalent for loan applications to get declined on various grounds. The worst rejection comes when your application is turned down because the business is new and poses a high financial risk to the lender. New companies are often victims of rejections since lenders perceive them as high-risk. They haven’t yet established their ground and are often one blunder away from going under.    Shelf Corporations can make your business appear credible   Sadly, it is during its infancy that a business needs capital to whether turbulent days in the market. If age is the only thing standing between you and the funding then ShelfGiantCorporations might have a solution. They’ll sell you an aged corporation, a duly registered company that had been sitting

Are Aged Corporations Legal?

  Having learned the invaluable benefits of entering the market through an aged corporation , you are probably questioning the legitimacy of the whole concept. The fact that you are having doubts about a shelf corporation's legality makes you the right person to purchase a shelf corporation. It means that you are planning to use it for legitimate purposes only and wouldn’t want to be associated with something that goes against corporate laws. You wouldn’t want to pick an investment vehicle that will turn out to be financial and legal nightmare in the long run.    What is considered Illegal?    To understand whether or not aged companies are illegal, first, let’s examine what makes anything illegal? From a basic Google search, something is illegal when official laws do not sanction it. Any entity that operates contrary to set authorizations is termed illegal. By the same definition, there is nothing illegal in the registration of an aged corporation. Neither does the law forbid

All You Need To Know About Paydex Score

A Paydex-Score is a business’ proprietary score assigned by Dun & Bradstreet intended to highlight a business’ creditworthiness. It is technically, a business’ credit score scaled numerically from 0 to 100. The Paydex Score is similar to an individual’s credit score except that the latter ranges between 300 and 850.    Understanding the Paydex Score Scale   On a scale of 0 to 100, Dun & Bradstreet rates the likelihood that a business will repay its debts to suppliers and other creditors on time. High figures on the scale represent a greater propensity to repay the debt on time or sooner than the scheduled repayment period, while a lower amount represents the higher risk group.  Dun & Bradstreet is among the major credit reporting agencies, alongside Equifax and Experian. The bureau also reports companies’ credit cards report, delinquency predator scores, credit limits recommendations, failure scores, etc. The ratings are based on payment records submitted to the agen

Things You Didn't Know About Aged Shelf Corporations.

  In a business world where established longevity and convincing operating history inform the credibility of a business, purchasing an Aged Shelf Corporation  continues to be an easy option for many entrepreneurs. The value of rich business history can never be overstated especially when it directly affects the level of confidence potential associates such as clients, suppliers, and lenders place in a business.    Here are 4 things you probably didn’t know about aged shelf corporations;   They Are Very Legal    Historically, shelf corporations were created to be sold off to individuals that wanted to start a company without going through the effort of incorporating one. This remains one of the major reasons for purchasing aged corporations together with a host of other benefits that include obtaining an established business history, and perhaps a solid credit rating. Shelf corporations are created for legitimate purposes and even come with valid VAT registra