Things You Didn't Know About Aged Shelf Corporations.


In a business world where established longevity and convincing operating history inform the credibility of a business, purchasing an Aged Shelf Corporation continues to be an easy option for many entrepreneurs. The value of rich business history can never be overstated especially when it directly affects the level of confidence potential associates such as clients, suppliers, and lenders place in a business. 


Here are 4 things you probably didn’t know about aged shelf corporations;


They Are Very Legal 


Historically, shelf corporations were created to be sold off to individuals that wanted to start a company without going through the effort of incorporating one. This remains one of the major reasons for purchasing aged corporations together with a host of other benefits that include obtaining an established business history, and perhaps a solid credit rating. Shelf corporations are created for legitimate purposes and even come with valid VAT registration certificates. 


They Give The New Owner Instant Time-In-Business

As aforementioned, age directly impacts the credibility of a business. The U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) estimates that at least 20% of new businesses fail within the first two years of operation. According to other sources, the percentage of businesses that don’t live to see the second year is as high as 60. This explains why lenders consider new businesses to be risky. With an aged shelf corporation, one can easily get around this huddle and earn the confidence of lenders and other business associates. By purchasing our aged corporations, you get invaluable time-in-business and begin forging meaningful business relationships with clients, lenders, and suppliers. 


You Can Change The Name Of An Aged Corporation 

Admittedly, the name of the shelf corporation you purchase may not be the ideal brand name you want to sell out there. However, you can always change the name of the shelf corporation to suit your business image. The process is straightforward and takes only a couple of hours. Alternatively, you can register a different trade name under which the aged corporation will be “doing business as (DBA).”


An Aged Corporation Can Get You A Strong Credit Score 

Lenders are likely to approve loans for companies with seasoned tradelines. As such, you may purchase a shelf company that has demonstrated some kind of activity during the aging period. These come with operational bank accounts and have even filed basic tax returns for the period they’ve been trading. They are also clear of any business debts or liabilities.


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