Benefits of Nevada Shelf Corporation

Aged corporations are units, which have been built years ago and are ready to function afterwards. Such companies are called shelf corporations in the business world because they haven’t active since their establishment. You can buy such aged shelf corporations and begin conducting business right away. There are several service providers in Nevada, who build shelf companies regularly. When you go to buy such a company, they provide you with a letter of consent by the company’s owner for the Articles-of-Incorporation. The written consent you get provides you with the authority to control newly bought company.

The benefits

The value of a shelf company in Nevada is always more than the money spent to keep it active. If you possess an old shelf company with no past business activity and sell it in future, you might be astonished to see that it has been a great investment. Consignment is the best approach to sell a company. Shelf and aged corporation have plenty of benefits. For example, sometimes while dealing with government projects, entering into a lease agreement, or applying for a loan, it pays to own a corporation’s established existence and history.


For understanding the pricing of a shelf company at a specific age, you can think of it as the annual payment is made one time for the 1-year-old company, 2 times for the 2-year-old company, and so on. 

Value-Enhancing Investment

Buying a shelf company in Nevada can become your most valuable asset. There are some major steps to take to enhance value. You just need to get an EIN and take the help of a nominee service to remove the possibility of your direct link. Also, you can open an interest free bearing bank account with the name of your company. It is important to file a non-activity or zero income tax return annually. At last, remember not to carry out any business activity with the company. Investing in aged shelf corporations in Nevada can surely be a profitable business. There are many software packages available to aid you in buying and selling shelf companies. They are developed to aid you with the required data to boost your business.


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