
Showing posts from September, 2020

The advantages of unsecured credit limits

  In the past, running a business was not that easy. You needed to have capital, collateral, and lots of employees to make it big. It was easy for the rich to maintain their advantage over the others. However, with the dawn of the internet, information has democratized. A somewhat level playing field has been created, with the small business owners having a good chance to succeed if they have the creative skills and the business ability to win in the market.    With the dawn of financial technology and data analytics, it has become easier to access finance for these companies. Banks now go by track record, and not your assets owned. If your firm has a history of repaying your creditors on time, then banks can take a bet on you. You do not need to go and please the bank manager, or just wait for your turn to come. The floodgates of credit have opened for all sorts of businesses. There is a high chance of accessing credit if your firm deserves it. Moreover, it is excess lending that ha

Why is a Paydex score relevant for your business?

  When you enter the world of business, you need to understand many of the market terms. Some of them may be specific terms used by members of a particular trade, while others may be of a generic nature. Knowing them is the first stage in understanding their application in the world of business.   If you have a plan for your business, it will most certainly involve credit at some point in time. For accessing credit for your firm, you will need to pass minimum thresholds as specified by the financial institution. One of these is called the Paydex score . So, what is a Paydex score? Well, in layman's terms, it is a rating given to your business by the Dun & Bradstreet agency based on your payment performance to creditors. If you want to know more about this concept, you can just visit our website for a lucid explanation. For getting a real shot at credit from banks and credit unions, you need a score of 80 or above. Such a score signifies that you make your payments on time,

Choosing the right location to establish your business

    Technology has caused significant changes in the world of business. It has made the life of owners much more comfortable than before. Earlier, you had to spend a lot of time on regulatory formalities, which ate it into companies' productivity and profitability. Now, almost all activities can be done online, opening up many hitherto unexplored opportunities for business owners. The particular options we will discuss in this post include the choice to register your business in any state in the US. Nowadays, entrepreneurs do not need to be restrained by constraints of location and funding these days. There is a lot of information on the internet that can help you make a better choice of location for registering your firm in the US. If you do a bit of research on the internet, you will find that many US states offer incentives to save time and money for your business. Some states in the US are smaller in population, and thus not conducive for prominent businessmen. So, they hav